Monday, July 23, 2007

Okie. So. I have a new baby brother, and we don't know what we are naming him, but we think Alexander. I will get pics up soon. mj


mamma james said...

Hey Mary, I guess so! Pics I mean! Seems you blew in and out of our lives pretty quick...but I have some great picturs of you and your mom down at the beach! You look like models... sisters! So are you off home school for the rest of the summer/year? Are you doing much with Brody? We're so excited for you. Your parents won't tell me (too busy I think) but what does he need?
Love ya

Abigail said...

Dear Mary
I am so excited for ya! I simply
can NOT wait ta see you and little baby James at the end o' August!
Luke is sittin' next 2 me and says "I love and that you're my cuzin"
;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
See you soon!
~~~Abby Joy

I Shadowz said...

Thank you! Thank you! (bows and smiles:) I miss you guys, (all of you commenters) and I am hoping to come and see you (Grandma Charlotte) for christmas, and bring little baby Alexander! Can't wait to see you all!