Saturday, November 17, 2007

Maybe I'll talk 2day

Hi guys, I feel like I haven't actually had a conversation with any of you lately. I'm doing good in school, and I totally love it. School is like totally awesome! So yeah. I think for some reason this is more of a monologue than a conversation. I'm just putting out random boring facts about me, but anyway I think you guys won't mind too much and if I get way too boring I hope you know I don't care if you go and visit another blog with maybe more interesting posts. I think that just maybe might have been a run on sentence. My dog is pretty happy these days even with me at school from seven thirty to three fifteen or so. The actual learning hours are from eight to two fifty eight but I like to get there early, and then after school there's the walking home time.... So yeah. Right now my teachers are all female and I am getting kind of frustrated, I would like to have at least one male teacher, even my Physical Education teacher is a girl! And she's pregnant! I am starting two new classes on Monday, Art and Health. Those are my sixth and seventh period classes, sixth rotates days with P.E, and seventh period is the last class of the day. But the teachers don't tell you how to get there so I'm a little worried about that aspect of it. Anyway this has been a really long monologue, but it's nice to talk to you guys, hope I'll see you soon. ~mj


Laura Jean said...

I am sure you receive a great welcome home from your dog, being so excited to see you. Sorry that you are finding school kinda frustrating - esp your first year in the school system. Hopefully after your Christmas break that wil fade away. I am like you with work Mary, I am usually the first one to arrive, so coming that extra 15-20 mins earlier allows me to get ready for my day and pull my charts from the shelf. Time to focus on the job at hand. Hope you were able to find your 7th period class okay too. Hope you had a good weekend. Laura Jean

Amy said...

Nope, I wasn't bored reading that. I love to hear about what and how you're doing. I think I would be frustrated with only female teachers too ... its neat to get a guy's perspective on things. I had some awesome male teachers ... they tended not to be as moody as my lady teachers. Naturally.

Anyway, I'm still curious as to what happened to your special cat. I'm hoping that you just had to give him up and not that he's dead.

Please tell me.
Aunt Amy

Anonymous said...

About the cat, we had to give her to the pound because of the baby, and I don't know if she's alive or not. And also I'm not frustrated with school in general, I love it, but I just wish I had a male teacher. C u guys soon I hope, mj

Anonymous said...

Nice to know what is happening - hang in there - 'these things have come to pass' 'misquote' the bible!!!