Saturday, February 2, 2008

I like the former better.

I like the first blog background best, so I'll stick with that. How are you guys doing? I would love to hear from you by email or something. Or maybe you could just all get blogs so I can see what's happening in your life! My dad is in Kansas City right now for a Science Olympiad competition. Mom is doing housework (when is she not) and I? I am blogging out our life story. No just kidding. I'm trying to be quiet so that I don't wake the baby up. He is taking his nap. Such a cute little boy. I got a haircut, so now I have bangs. I will try to post some pictures pretty soon of that. So what's going on in your life? I want to hear it! I miss you all, mj


Mark and Cristy said...

Hey Mary,

Cool, I can't wait to see your bangs!! I just got a cut too! My hair is shoulder length now! I can't wait to see yurs!!!


Laura Jean said...

Bangs are great - they hide those worry lines we tend to get sometimes. I guess you will be celebrating Alexander's B-day when your dad gets back from KC. Take plenty of photos for us up in Canada Mary. Have a good weekend. Laura Jean