Saturday, August 9, 2008

So much has changed since I last posted. Little Alex is finally really ours! There has been a lot of progress on our house lately in the windows department, and Alex's room is almost ready for him to move into! I should really put pictures on here, but I don't have any pictures on this computer right now, so I'll have to wait. Alex can crawl and walk and is now completely off of oxygen and is into everything :). Alex is also starting to talk, he loves to roar, and can say 'mamma' and 'dad' and 'dog', or 'doggy', and he will sometimes immitate what you say, such as 'ha ha ha'. However he is not to the point of doing any of these things very consistantly besides roar and mamma. He will also point to something specific in a storybook if you ask him to. He loves to give you passionate wet slobbery kisses while he grabs you by the ears:). Dad is finished teaching summer school, and has had two weeks off to work on the house. He starts back working at the Science Focus Program this monday. He recently came back from a 4 day trip with some friends to hike Longs Peak. They took a very challenging route and it was harder than he thought it would be, but he still loved it. Mom is enjoying having her sister and brother-in-law and nephew here in town to stay for a while, and is very busy finishing up Alex's bedroom and taking such wonderful care of Dad, Alex and I. I think she deserves the kind of care she gives us for herself every once in a while! I am heading back to school this month on the 20th.... I'm so excited! Mika is doing very well, I had lots of time to pamper her during the summer. We will be getting a second Welsh Terrier at the beginning of next summer, as a companion and a mate for Mika. Then hopefully she will have puppies some time shortly after that. That is enough to bore you with for now I think. I am amazed tha you actually made it through this whole thing to the end! Kudos to you! (It doesn't count if you skipped the middle and went straight to the end) So please let me know how you are doing, I would love to hear! Have a great day!

- Mary<3


Anonymous said...

Well welcome back - thought you all had dropped off the face of the earth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

mamma james said...

Hi Mary. I rarely check your blog anymore but I heard you had updated it. sounds like you had a good summer. We are really looking forward to your visit. I started school today. I'd rather be on vacation!
Love ya

John and Sara said...

Hey mary, great to see you are on here. i update about as often as you so don't check much, but did today and was glad I did. I still picture Alex as a little great to hear about him and know he can walk!! Casendra just started sitting up on her own and attempting to 'crawl' though it is far from being an actual crawl :)

Thanks for being so positive about your family, nice to know kids still care!! Hope school started well for you and I look forward to talking with you all soon. Take care and I sure wish you all lived closer. What fun we'd all have! We could get your mom out riding!!

talk to you later,
