Sunday, December 9, 2007

My Party was like so totally awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My cake. Isn't is wonderful?!?
Trevor, Ben Dietrich
Dietrich and I
Dietrich, me, Emmi, Caitlin, Ayet.
Trevor, Ben Dietrich, and a happy me.
Me and the girls
(from left to right, Ben, Dietrich, Me, Emmi, Caitlin, Ayet
(Around the table from left to right) Trevor, Ben, Dietrich, me, Emmi, Caitlin, Ayet.
Trevor, Ben
Trevor, Dietrich
(From closest to farthest away) Ben, Dietrich.
(From closest to farthest away) Caitlin, Emmi.
(From closest to farthest away.) Ayet, Caitlin.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Teeth (not mine)

Yes, my brother got teeth. There are two of them, and they are poking through on the bottom. It is so cute when he smiles really big and you can see them. My little brother is awesome. I was recently IQ tested, and they approved me for a mentor in language arts. It starts this Monday. My mentor's name is Lisa Munger, and she is a journalist, and attended Texas Christian University. So I am pretty excited, but there is so much I don't know about her. I will be spending 8:00 -8:52 with only her every morning teaching me. Then also this Friday is my birthday, and my poor mom is trying to coordinate my birthday alone because dad will be in Texas for Science Olympiad, and I also have a piano recital on my birthday. So I will be kind of busy but I'll try to post after I have a few days with my mentor.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Maybe I'll talk 2day

Hi guys, I feel like I haven't actually had a conversation with any of you lately. I'm doing good in school, and I totally love it. School is like totally awesome! So yeah. I think for some reason this is more of a monologue than a conversation. I'm just putting out random boring facts about me, but anyway I think you guys won't mind too much and if I get way too boring I hope you know I don't care if you go and visit another blog with maybe more interesting posts. I think that just maybe might have been a run on sentence. My dog is pretty happy these days even with me at school from seven thirty to three fifteen or so. The actual learning hours are from eight to two fifty eight but I like to get there early, and then after school there's the walking home time.... So yeah. Right now my teachers are all female and I am getting kind of frustrated, I would like to have at least one male teacher, even my Physical Education teacher is a girl! And she's pregnant! I am starting two new classes on Monday, Art and Health. Those are my sixth and seventh period classes, sixth rotates days with P.E, and seventh period is the last class of the day. But the teachers don't tell you how to get there so I'm a little worried about that aspect of it. Anyway this has been a really long monologue, but it's nice to talk to you guys, hope I'll see you soon. ~mj

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Memorial to my awesome cat

awoken from a peaceful nap
head line: giant cat invades city!
poor soaking wet cat
baths (she hated them!
how dad felt about her
reluctantly signing papers
We miss you Little Guy!

Monday, November 5, 2007

Lots of Bad Pictures

How many bad pictures can I cram into one post?

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Back To School

Ok. Lots to tell! I am now going to Irving Middle School! My first public school ever too! I totally love it! Wow. That was too many exclamation points. Anyway, I am really excited. I got to go now. mj

Monday, July 23, 2007

Okie. So. I have a new baby brother, and we don't know what we are naming him, but we think Alexander. I will get pics up soon. mj

Tuesday, July 3, 2007


I am leaving today. I am going to the beach, Ocean City New Jersey. I will be gone for two weeks. I just got back from visiting with my cousins. So as you can see, I am pretty busy. Sorry if I don't post for a bit:) mj

Sunday, June 10, 2007

It's all gone.

Last Saturday morning, at 5:00 a.m., our church, Zion P.C.A went up in flames. There is nothing left besides the walls.